Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Creating Powerful Conversations During Formal Sorority Recruitment

By Jessica Gendron

People don’t join organizations. People join people.

A lot of you are probably a little confused and may even be thinking, what does that phrase have to do with creating powerful conversations? A lot actually.

Think back to when you joined you chapter and try to remember the exact reason that you joined. For most you, you aren’t thinking about a trophy or philanthropy event. You are thinking about a person, and not just any person, you know the exact name of the person that was the reason you joined. Right? For most of us, that is 100% true. We didn’t join because of some trophy the chapter won, or the fraternity they hang out with, or even the service project they do. We joined because of someone we had an awesome conversation with or that made you feel completely comfortable in the uncomfortable environment that is sorority recruitment. We didn’t join because it was Alpha Alpha Sorority (the organization), we joined because of Suzie the Alpha Alpha sorority woman (the person). READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE

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